Meet the Wildlifer
Most of us do not lead particularly wild lives. The most daring and dangerous thing we do on a typical workday is stapling. But inside all of us is a natural being, craving connection with the wild world and its amazing creatures.
We are not that far removed from our cave-dwelling ancestors. That’s why you sometimes want to reach across the boardroom table and hit Brad from accounting with a rock. It’s also why wilderness art is so wildly (pun intended) popular. Images of the natural world, and its spectacular abundance of life, inspire wonder, and awe, and a familiar sense of belonging. They remind us who we are.
Eric “The Wildlifer” Seemann
We should, at this point, stress that we do not recommend or condone hitting people with rocks. There are better ways to reconnect with your wild side. Peering into the eye of an African elephant, for instance, and feeling the intelligence and sensitivity behind it. Or sneaking a glimpse of the maternal interaction between a caribou cow and her calf — timeless, tender, touching. These are experiences that reach us at our primal core, and take us back to a world we left a long time ago.
Eric Seemann is the photographer behind the lens of ES Wildlife Photo Images, and this is his world. A wild, wonderful world he shares through his vast collection of photographs. You will find a choice selection of those photographs on this site, images he hopes will bring you the joy, excitement, and beauty it has been his privilege to experience firsthand.
Growing up in British Columbia inspired Eric’s boyhood dream of becoming a professional wildlife photographer. BC’s natural bounty gave Eric endless opportunities to hone his craft. His unique blend of patience, passion, expertise and dedication is evident in the artistry of every shot. Eric’s lens is able to capture the drama and beauty in every moment. Many years, and hundreds of thousands of photos later, Eric’s dream continues to grow and evolve, as he travels the world to capture the spirit of nature through his camera lens.
In pursuit of the wild, natural and unique, Eric has travelled every uninhabited corner of British Columbia, the magnificent Rocky Mountains, the untamed Amazon rainforest, the lush jungles of Mexico, and the vast savannas of Southern Africa. Nature’s story is told in stunning images of North American wildlife — wolves, grizzly bears, big cats, elk, owls and raptors — as well as the leopards, lions and elephants of Botswana, South African penguins, and so many more fantastic creatures. The Wildlifer’s world is always expanding, and every animal he encounters is like a new friend he could not be more excited to meet.
Eric invites you to meet the treasured friends he’s made over the years. Please enjoy these images. Eric will be thrilled and honoured should you choose to bring a piece of his art into your home or business. He will also be immensely gratified if you are reminded of your own place in this wild world, and remember how incredible, precious and fragile is every life in it.
Along with his trusty, customized Jeep Gladiator, Eric uses a variety of equipment — Nikon cameras (D500, D850 and the Z 7ii) and lenses (400mm 2.8, 70- 200mm 2.8, 200-500. -5.6, 500 PF) — to capture and share nature’s most pristine moments.
As a well known and widely-published wildlife photographer, Eric holds a membership with Nikon Professional Services and is an invited member of the Professional Photographers Association of Canada.
As a heartfelt “thank you” for reading Eric’s bio (or any portion thereof), please enjoy this video of some delightful otters romping joyously through the woods.
For our money, romping otters are the best.
At Work With the Wildlifer